
Conta Aqw com heromart e itens hard farm. - Adventure Quest World

A conta possui:
- infinity knight (heromart, calendário de 2016)
- necrotic sword of doom
- sepulchure armor
- blinding light of destiny
- legion revenant
- void highlord
- void avenger scythe
- dragon of time
- blade of awe
- dragon blade of nulgath
- void light of destiny
- drakath armor
- celestial pirate
- evolved hex orb
- 10th upholder
- 70 espaços no inventário
- 1k de acs
- 6 heropoints

A conta foi criada no final de 2016, possui várias classes mas eu apenas citei as mais relevantes. Possui alguns poucos itens raros 
aleatórios como itens de badge e alguns comprados.

Conta Aqw com heromart e itens hard farm.

(cód. 995078318)
Status: Sold
$ 17.12
Up to 3x $ 6.56 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 43 DFG Points
Gift: You win 21 more points
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exszel ( 1 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 07/2021

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