
Conta NADMO - Omegamon - Digimon Masters Online

Server: Omegamon
Região: NADMO

Alter-B - Perfect Clon - 130 (Riding) - Bug
Zeed Millenniunmon - 130 - Bug
Beelzebumon X - Perfect Clon - 130(Riding) - Bug
Omegamon ZwartD - 130 - Bug
AOX - Perfect Clon - 130(Riding)
Ulforce V-Dramon X - 130(Riding)
Chaosdramon X - 130(Riding)
Megidramon X - 100
Goatmon - 80
Duftmon X - Falta o digimon, já possui o item
Entre outros...

Conta faz diversas DGs sem dificuldade.
Possui Digivice of Fate ( Virus e Light)
Possui diversos itens...

Motivo da venda: Estou parando de jogar

Conta NADMO - Omegamon

conta - omegamon - nadmo - steam
(cód. 992533268)
Status: Sold
$ 78.67
Up to 12x $ 8.81 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 197 DFG Points
Gift: You win 39 more points
units sold

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Guaranteed purchase

Seller information

azumayutto ( 11 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 07/2020

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