
Conta Mestre Mmr De Gm Pra Começar A Season - League of Legends LOL

Conta com a maioria dos champions do top, conta antiga, win rate alto (mmr de grandmaster), caindo com proplayers, passe nvl 36 a perfeitinha pro começo de season

Conta Mestre Mmr De Gm Pra Começar A Season

conta antiga mestre, 48 champions, 11 skins
(cód. 974191105)
Status: Sold
$ 29.79
Up to 3x $ 11.29 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 75 DFG Points
Gift: You win 37 more points
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chamitinho ( 1 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 05/2021

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