
Smurf criada em 2018 (3 Skins Vitoriosas) - League of Legends LOL

Smurf criada em 2018, Está no Gold IV com 1 LP (15V 8L Taxa de Vitória 65%)

44 Champions:

- Ezreal
- Nami
- Poppy
- Yuumi
- Thresh
- Annie
- Brand
- Morgana
- Janna
- Lux
- Neeko
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Jax
- Tristana
- Soraka
- Shen
- Blitzcrank
- Zilean
- Karma
- Yorick
- Taric
- Vayne
- Vladimir
- Kayle
- Nunu e Willump
- Sivir
- Ryze
- Garen
- Dr. Mundo
- Teemo
- Master Yi
- Fizz
- Rumble
- Ashe
- Gangplank
- Veigar
- Kennen
- Diana
- Aatrox
- Miss Fortune
- Lucian
- Orianna
- Pantheon

12 Skins:

- Lucian Vitorioso
- Aatrox Vitorioso
- Yorick Pentakill
- Miss Fortune Guardiã Estelar
- Orianna Vitoriosa
- Soraka Celestina
- Super Teemo
- Projeto: Ashe
- Super Kennen
- Alistar Indomável
- Tristana Garota Riot
- Garen Cavaleiro Do Terror

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Smurf criada em 2018 (3 Skins Vitoriosas)

(cód. 961839586)
Status: Sold
$ 13.65
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When you buy this product you earn 35 DFG Points
Gift: You win 17 more points
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Seller information

wilzera13 ( 5 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 07/2019

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