
Conta Kazeros TOP ! - Lost Ark

Motivo da venda: Novo update, jogo demandando cada vez mais tempo e a vida me chama !
Alem do que contas nas fotos, a conta ainda tem:
Deadeye full gema 7 
Reaper full gema 7
Blade 5x3 remaining energy
Glaivier 5x3 Pinnacle
Shadowhunter 5x3 (Evento super mokoko
Slayer 4x3 1x2 Predator
Light of salvation 21
Kazeros legion commander 12
Deepdive 26

161 dias de cristaline aura,
593 baus de pot (Pots em geral)
499 baus de buff (Adropin, stimulant,...)
827 baus de utility (Flare,timestop,...) 628 baus de bomba (Frost,dark,flame,...) Materiais para up nos chars (Por exemplo 75k de protection stone no deadeye, 25k de protecion + 10k de obliteration na reaper, etc...)
Bom, sem mais delongas, segue fotos !

Conta Kazeros TOP !

conta kazeros top
(cód. 904252818)
Status: Sold
$ 296.07
Up to 12x $ 33.04 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 741 DFG Points
Gift: You win 370 more points
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marchiori ( 18 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 08/2022

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