Conta de Pokémon GO - Pokemon GO
Conta de Pokémon GO 100% SEGURA!
Conta Gmail - LVL 37 / 38
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Bag upada;
Espaço para pokemons upado;
322 Pokémons 100% IV
401 Pokémons na déx
415 Mil de stardust
190 Pokémons Lendários ( Mew/ Celebi/ Meltan/ 6Deoxys )
Babys: wynaut(2), tyrogue(2), togepi(3), munchlax, mantyke, magby, elekid, budew(2), azurill(3)
Brilhantes: Charizard, squirtle(5), pikachu, psyduck, drowzee, magikarp(2), gyarados, eevee(2)
aerodactyl, articuno, zapdos, moltes, chikorita(5), meganium(2), totodile(12), feraligatr(2)
houndour, larvitar, lugia, ho-oh, feebas, duskull e kyogre.
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Conta de Pokémon GO
level 37 - 189 lendários
(cód. 901131963)
Status: Sold
Up to 12x $ 9.65 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 216 DFG Points
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