Conta de Pokémon GO - Pokemon GO
✘ Conta de Pokémon GO 100% SEGURA ✘
●Conta Gmail 2016 - LVL 34/35 ✔
●Troca de senha /nick /time disponível ✔
●Time vermelho - 1 milhão de stardust ✔
●Espaço para pokémons: 500
●Espaço mochila: 350
●Pokémons alola's
●Pokémons Baby's
●Pokémons 2016
●107 Pokémons Lendários
●72 Pokémons 100% ( Gyarados 100% shiny )
●05 Deoxys
➤ Brilhantes(27): Gyarados, aipom, anorith, aron, bellossom, cyndaquil, eevee, feebas, gardevoir(2), latias, latios, lileep, magikarp, magnezone, oddish(2), pineco, ralts(3), suicune, vileplume, wailmer, zangoose.
➤ Regionais/Raros: Carnivine, shellos, cherubi, durant, farfetch, kangaskhan, klink, mr.mime, pampour, pansage, pansear, smeargle, stoutland, tauros, zangoose.
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Conta de Pokémon GO
level 34/35 - 107 lendários
(cód. 919233376)
Status: Sold
Up to 6x $ 9.67 installments on your card
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