
Conta Pxg Steel - PokeXGames

Conta Pxg com e-mail.
Lvl 288
Stylist 100
Botinha ok
Device com Atk 4
Boss Charm
Poucas quests Feitas
Tower Liberada ja com Voo em Phenac (nao peguei mega)
Maioria das quest tops nao foram feitas.
Conta segue com varios itens, itens pra casa, itens de farm e pokemons.
Pokes mais importante são

You see a Rocket Ball.
Contains a Shiny Ditto > Shiny Ditto +70. Addons: 1. Holding: X-Lucky (Tier: 6) and Y-Wing (Tier: 4) Price: Unsellable. Ditto memory attached.

You see a Sora Ball. It's an unique item.
Contains a Shiny Fearow +70. Addons: 1. Holding: X-Lucky (Tier: 7) and Y-Ghost (Tier: 3) (Device with X-Attack (Tier: 4) attached) Price: $7100000.

You see a Discharged Poke Ball. It's an unique item.
Contains a Scyther +50. Holding: X-Critical (Tier: 2) and Y-Regeneration (Tier: 2) Price: $2330000.

You see an Ultra Ball.
Contains a Shiny Beautifly +9. Addons: 1. Holding: X-Attack (Tier: 4) and Y-Ghost (Tier: 3) Price: Unsellable.

acompanha aventureiro 150

Conta Pxg Steel

conta pra quem ja quer começar bem.
(cód. 911800716)
Status: Sold
$ 86.57
Up to 12x $ 9.69 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 217 DFG Points
Gift: You win 108 more points
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Seller information

gameshop ( 6 )

87.5% positive feedback

Member since: 02/2019

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